Class TypeBasedMultiplexer

  • @Deprecated
    public class TypeBasedMultiplexer
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is deprecated. Currently it isn't used by the library itself, although it wasn't removed, to maintain backward compatiblity.

    Used by org.everit.json.schema.loader.SchemaLoader.SchemaLoader during schema loading for type-based action selections. In other words this utility class is used for avoiding if..instanceof..casting constructs. Together with the TypeBasedMultiplexer.OnTypeConsumer implementations it forms a fluent API to deal with the parts of the JSON schema where multiple kind of values are valid for a given key.

    Example usage: Object additProps = schemaJson.get("additionalProperties"); typeMultiplexer(additionalProps) .ifIs(JSONArray.class).then(arr -> {...if additProps is a JSONArray then process it... }) .ifObject().then(obj -> {...if additProps is a JSONArray then process it... }) .requireAny(); // throw a SchemaException if additProps is neither a JSONArray nor a JSONObject

    This class it NOT thread-safe.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeBasedMultiplexer

        public TypeBasedMultiplexer​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Constructor with null keyOfObj and null id.
        obj - the object which' class is matched against the classes defined by ifIs(Class) (or ifObject()) calls.
      • TypeBasedMultiplexer

        public TypeBasedMultiplexer​(java.lang.String keyOfObj,
                                    java.lang.Object obj)
        Contstructor with null id.
        keyOfObj - is an optional (nullable) string used by requireAny() to construct the message of the SchemaException if no appropriate consumer action is found.
        obj - the object which' class is matched against the classes defined by ifIs(Class) (or ifObject()) calls.
      • TypeBasedMultiplexer

        public TypeBasedMultiplexer​(java.lang.String keyOfObj,
                                    java.lang.Object obj,
        keyOfObj - is an optional (nullable) string used by requireAny() to construct the message of the SchemaException if no appropriate consumer action is found.
        obj - the object which' class is matched against the classes defined by ifIs(Class) (or ifObject()) calls.
        id - the scope id at the point where the multiplexer is initialized.
    • Method Detail

      • addResolutionScopeChangeListener

        public void addResolutionScopeChangeListener​(ResolutionScopeChangeListener resolutionScopeChangeListener)
      • ifIs

        public <E> TypeBasedMultiplexer.OnTypeConsumer<E> ifIs​(java.lang.Class<E> predicateClass)
        Creates a setter which will be invoked by orElse(Consumer) or requireAny() if obj is an instance of predicateClass.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type represented by predicateClass.
        predicateClass - the predicate class (the callback set by a subsequent TypeBasedMultiplexer.OnTypeConsumer.then(Consumer) will be executed if obj is an instance of predicateClass).
        an OnTypeConsumer implementation to be used to set the action performed if obj is an instance of predicateClass.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if predicateClass is JSONObject. Use ifObject() for matching obj's class against JSONObject.
      • ifObject

        public TypeBasedMultiplexer.OnTypeConsumer<org.json.JSONObject> ifObject()
        Creates a JSONObject consumer setter.
        an OnTypeConsumer implementation to be used to set the action performed if obj is a JSONObject instance.
      • orElse

        public void orElse​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Object> orElseConsumer)
        Checks if the obj is an instance of any previously set classes (by ifIs(Class) or ifObject()), performs the mapped action of found or invokes orElseConsumer with the obj.
        orElseConsumer - the callback to be called if no types matched.
      • requireAny

        public void requireAny()
        Checks if the obj is an instance of any previously set classes (by ifIs(Class) or ifObject()), performs the mapped action of found or throws with a SchemaException.